Robin Downes is back in on the west coast for one special group session!
Join this 2 hour Session / Workshop - Ancient moves to soulful grooves for Autumn's Rhythm Renewal. Get in sync with the Autumn season and be prepared for the holiday season.
Rejuvenate, renew and relax at the yoga studio within CREATIVE CHAKRA SPA - Ocean side retreat in Marina Del Rey, California!
Beginners are welcomed, on-going students will be offered advanced options during the session.
Fee is $35.00 for the two hour session. Additionally, you will receive a bottle of Autumn Equinox meditation balancing oil. This essential oil is tuned with planetary chimes and gongs and infused with crystal essences. Ingredients: a blend of proprietary essential oils in a base of jojoba and fractionated coconut oils. Inhale, relax, and enjoy!
Space is limited to first come, first served. You must pay in advance to secure your spot, you can pay via Pay Pal. Any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at
Here is the link for the event on FACEBOOK:
I have been using the wonderful Yoga Care Kit and I highly recommend it as a wonderful accessory to your Yoga Flava session. Aromatic Essential Oil preparations for your yoga experience. The four products can be used before, during and after your practice. A respiratory inhaler to open and expand your breath; a meditation blend to deepen your meditation practice; and 2 different muscle gels that are customized to target your need.
If you would like to have this waiting for you at this session - ORDER NOW FOR ONLY $25.00
To order your Yoga Flava home study products -