Get on your own “never-ending to-do list” and find the life balance you long for. I'm here to help you to give to your self and offer you fantastic ideas on how to bring YOU to the top of your “to-do list”.
As we approach the winter solstice (first day of winter, December 21st) and all the holidays that surround it, it is easy to get distracted from self-care.
A calm and balanced mind, body and spirit can be a challenge to maintain during the holiday season.
Balance your Yin and Yang
Private Personalized One-On-One Yoga Flava Session Winter 2012
5 sessions for the discounted package rate of $100.00
Sign up on the Facebook link https://www.facebook.com/events/298459850198348/?context=create
For details please email: robin@yogaflava.com
The natural flow of life goes within, it is known as hibernation.
Put your own oxygen mask on first.
The most important gift you can give to both your family and friends is the proper care and maintenance of yourself.
Check Out: Yoga Flava Home Study Resources And Wellness Support
Check Out: Yoga Flava Home Study Resources And Wellness Support
It is easy to allow the many distractions of life to draw your attention away from your own health and wellness particularly during the holiday season.
Here are some tips to develop a few tools of self-care and balance during this busy time:
• Take time each day for at least one peaceful meal. Whatever you stop doing to enjoy your meal will be waiting for you when you return.
• Have a holiday decorating party and invite only friends who will have you doubled over in laughter. You will be able to scratch decorating off of your to-do list and have a fun time in the process.
• Make a stop at a sacred place and listen to the silence. In the midst of all of the hustle and bustle the sound of silence will be rejuvenating.
Moving away from stress for short periods of time allows you to return to the things that need to be done with a sense of renewal.
Your physical, mental and emotional health and well-being is the most important gift you can give to both yourself and the people around you.
Do what you’re passionate about, do what excites you right now. Create something amazing. Pour yourself energetically into a project. Build something new. And what you think you’re creating might turn out to be completely different from what emerges, but you’ll have fun doing it and something even better might be revealed.
° Give yourself the gift of extra pampering. Pay more attention to soothing activities like a long, leisurely soak in the tub. Pamper yourself, too, by watching what you eat and drink.
Your nutritional well-being may dissolve when confronting a Yuletide dessert table. Maintain a moderate approach and offset the damage with extra vitamins and healthy foods.
When things go wrong or not according to plan, don’t forget to keep laughing. Joy, delight and wonder exist when we make an effort to welcome them.
Determine now that you will, indeed, make this the best holiday season ever. Relax, smile and enjoy all of the giving and receiving that come with this time of year.
In so doing, you’ll give yourself and the people you love a holiday season that will be fondly remembered for years.
Sending positive vibes - Robin Downes
Sending positive vibes - Robin Downes