I am still reflecting on how healing my recent Autumn Rhythm Rejuvenation journey to the West Coast has been. The first part of my trip took me to San Diego, for the joyful wedding celebration of Mr. & Mrs. Ellotia Hargrove III. It was wonderful to reconnect with my family members.

I shared a Yoga session with my cousin, Cynthia, as we discussed our plans for our bi-coastal "Big 'O' Birthday Bash" that we are planning for May of 2010.
God bless my Aunt Marcelett, who is winning her battle with cancer. My mother (Auntie's sister) lost her battle to cancer in 1998, which inspired my focus on and dedication to wellness. Auntie has been wearing my Mom's wig (kinda deep).
My adventure continued in Marina Del Rey, CA, which is my favorite part of the Los Angeles area. I checked in on my storage unit to retrieve some of my treasures, as I continue to downsize and organize my life.The rest of the time I spent soaking up the ocean side vibe. I found myself slowing down from the fast-paced energy of New York and all the festivities of the wedding.
When I checked my RSVP for the upcoming Yoga Flava Session, I was delighted to find a message from my dear friend, celebrity chef Kai Chase.

Kai Chase wrote
at 5:39am on October 24th, 2009
Hi Robin:
I definitely will be there! and I'm bringing a friend. Soooooo looking forward to it! You're the best and I am so happy to have you back here in L.A. to feed us mind, body & spirit!!
Love you,
Kai Chase
Kai sees the world through "feeding" and is sincere in her love of food and being a chef. We learned a lot from each other when we worked together as a wellness team for a V.I.P. client. I plan on putting together an event to showcase her sensually delicious dishes, such as "Nibbles" and "Skinny Dipping" in February 2010 for my "Sensual Healing with Yoga Flava Workshop." She is such a dear friend, and I just want to share that she has been in need of healing support to deal with the grief of the shocking untimely and tragic death of the King of Pop. Kai mentioned that during the frenzy of media coverage that she received as a witness during MJ's final days, no one took the time to ask her how SHE was doing. Please keep Kai in your thoughts and prayers. All this to say, I was honored to be of service to her and the others that showed up for Yoga Flava's Autumn Rhythm Rejuvenation Workshop.
In order to be of service for the session, which was held at The Creative Chakra & Spa*, it was essential that I get myself into a deeply relaxed state.

I indulged in the tranquil environment of this charming sanctuary. I relaxed in the sauna, and as my pedicure was finishing up, the participants began arriving.There were several beginners, as well as one person with a stiff and painful knee.

Ahhh...as the Autumn Rhythm Rejuvenation session began, I got lost in the process of intuitively connecting with the needs of each participant and helping them get in sync with their authentic rhythm, flow and life force. I massaged the Autumn Equinox Essential Oil Blend to their necks. It was glorious to watch the tension melt away from stressed out bodies. At the end, I was able to bask in the sweet stillness and serenity that was reflected back to me by the students.
The rest of my journey I spent finding more quiet time for reflection, prayer and meditation as I headed back to the Empire state. Take some time to rejuvenate while you find joy in the Autumn Rhythm.
*Thank you: Cheryl Stone, Adlai Hayes, X, Sandie (Creative Chakra & Spa)
Sending vibes of rejuvenation - - Robin